What is the best Canada goose deterrent?

There are several products and methods people use to deter geese. This chart compares them based on the attributes we have found to be most valued. Since 2005, we have listened to satisfied customers who are relieved to no longer endure the ongoing costs and efforts associated with other methods that hadn’t worked for them. Since 2005, Away With Geese, the undisputed leader in goose control, has been keeping problem geese off of lawns, ponds, athletic fields, golf courses, and every other place that Canada Geese try to make their home. 

  Away With Geese Dogs Decoys Sprays
Maintenance Maintenance free; Solar powered Hired dogs usually are recommended to come daily Need to be moved around; Degrade with weather exposure Need to be reapplied after each grass cutting and after rain
Effect on People and Environment The light is very dim and scarcely noticeable to people; 100% environmentally friendly Requires intensive management of service; Intrusive for those at property Materials are cheap and easily degrade; very conspicuous in an otherwise natural setting Can make grass irritating to skin; Runoff from grass poisons local watershed
Humane for Geese Humane for geese; Annoy the geese enough to relocate, but have no ill effect on them Dogs aggressively chase and traumatize the geese. Geese don’t mind them (at all!) Causes irritation to the geese’ trigeminial systems
Sustainability and Success Long lasting and cost effective; 97% success rate. Satisfaction Guarantee and Parts Warranty Dogs do chase geese away, but they immediately return after dogs leave Geese may be spooked for a day but soon understand that the decoys are stationary and not a threat Constant reapplication makes this a particularly labor intensive and expensive method
Cost One time cost; Cost is dependent upon the number of units needed; Each is effective in a 75 yard radius At $100/day, this would quickly blow your budget (and retirement savings) Coyote Cutouts range from $30-$60 About $100/Gallon

The Proven Answer: Made in the USA with over 36,000 units in service. Shipping included. Money back guarantee. 97% effective.

Risk free.  Geese Gone, Guaranteed.

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