Away With Geese deterrents work by permanently altering the habitat. The flashing lights operate from dusk to dawn, targeting the geese’s sensitive eyesight and creating an environment they find uncomfortable. Since geese prefer to stay in the same location both day and night, they quickly relocate to a more suitable habitat. This proven, effective solution scares geese away and keeps them away for good.
With our Satisfaction Guarantee, Parts Warranty, and Shipping Included, there’s no reason not to try Away With Geese and reclaim your property from unwanted geese.
To ensure complete coverage, place a unit every 100 yards and select the right type for your space—whether it’s a pond, private yard, public area, or other location. For a personalized recommendation on unit types and placement, submit a request for a Property Analysis, and we’ll respond via email within 24 business hours.
You will receive a tailored solution to your property’s geese issues including products, pricing and placement